Daniel "Xanimos" Weeks
I'm just a self taught Full-Stack Web Developer with experience in multiple languages, concepts, and applications. My journey first started playing Counter-Strike (1.5) and desiring more from the game. That's where I discovered the world of programming where I developed a number of plugins for the AMXX game/server mod. Then it ramped up and upon entering high school I enrolled in Computer Programming and Web Design. I ran my own Linux virtual servers to accommodate my gaming and programming needs. I discovered PHP and MySQL and my ideas kept coming quicker than I could get them done. I loved the dynamic-ness of using programming to change the feel of a website. I have a strong drive to solve complex ideas, and great gift for learning quickly.
I joined the US Navy and served nearly a decade as a Nuclear/Electrical Engineer. Where my drive for quick learning was put to the test in a high stress environment. All the while I couldn't get away from coding. I had my laptop and kept coding the whole time. I build Access programs, Excel programs/formulas, and learned how to work with rough software. All while learning what it took to be a reactor plant operator.
I've learned a number of things in my work and experiences about myself and how I work. I'm great jumping in at the beginning and running with everything. I'll take my time at first with lots of thought session breaks to make sure I'm starting off on the right foot. Which keeps me from having to rewrite or redo code. Having a well thought-out concept before beginning leads to the best outcomes. I've found I don't like doing monotonous, menial tasks such as data entry. I've gone as far as programming bots to complete such tasks because for me it is a waste of time, effort, and ability. I love seeing the work building into better and grander ideas. Which I've found to be my greatest weakness, the idea keeps growing, and growing, without an end in site. (Pun intended). Thus leading to no versions getting launched. I have a stellar under construction page though. This is been in my personal projects though. Customer projects and business projects get completed because they have a defined finish. I tend to build as a means to learning and growing as an individual.
Xanimos.com - Starting point
Xanimos.com - First Draft
I've worked on this in my spare time. Still not done yet.
I'll fill this in more in the future. Most of my portfolio no longer exists.
My future position is as a hands on project lead on a huge project. Full of excitement and great opportunity to grow. I excel in seeing the big picture and understanding the little steps to get there. I've done every bit of web application work to understand the work that needs to be done, with a rational idea of how long it should take. My time in the Navy had brought me the development of leadership skills, stress management, dynamic event reactions, and job completion. My job in the navy consisted of high stress, quick learning, and adaptability. My training lead me to learn everything about nuclear power and electrical distribution.
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